What are the main factors affecting the performance of bag filter?
The performance of the bag filter is closely related to the dust layer on the bag, the characteristics of the filter material, the characteristics of the dust and the filtering wind speed.
1. Impact of dust layer:
濾料凈化含塵氣體開始時,濾料上無粉塵層,捕集粉塵的能力較低; 當粉塵層形成后,對于粉塵有很好的捕集作用。
At the beginning of purifying the dust containing gas with filter material, there is no dust layer on the filter material, so the ability of collecting dust is low; when the dust layer is formed, it has a good effect on collecting dust.
2. Influence of dust characteristics:
粉塵粒徑對污泥烘干機過濾效率有很大影響。對于 1μm 塵粒,其分級過濾效率可達 95% ; 對于大于 1μm 塵粒,可穩(wěn)定地獲得 99% 以上的過濾效率。塵粒攜帶的荷電越多,其過濾效率越高,利用此特征,在污泥烘干機入口或入口前使用荷電,對于 1.6μm 以上塵粒的捕集效率可達 99. 99% 。
The particle size of dust has a great influence on the filtration efficiency of bag filter. For 1 μ m dust particles, the filtration efficiency can reach 95%; for more than 1 μ m dust particles, the filtration efficiency can be more than 99%. The more charge the dust carries, the higher the filtration efficiency. Using this feature, the collection efficiency of the dust above 1.6 μ M can reach 99.99% when the charge is used at or before the inlet of the bag filter.
3. Influence of filter material characteristics:
In the process of weaving filter fabric, there are many fluff on the surface of short fiber fabric, which is easy to form stable primary dust, and its filtering efficiency is higher than that of long fiber fabric.
4. Impact of filtering wind speed:
Appropriate filtering wind speed is easy to form dust layer on the surface of filter bag, which is conducive to dust collection.